Cast Drawing
Cast Drawings are a fantastic, time honored way for artists to hone their drawing skills. For hundreds of years, artists have been doing studies of plaster casts and sculptures to practice their drawing techniques and learn how to create the illusion of form, light, and space with a two dimensional medium. With this workshop, we are revisiting this classical tradition as students make highly refined charcoal drawing that are ready for student’s art portfolios.
Cast drawing can also serve as a great opportunity to learn about portraiture. Each of the casts that we will be working from at ZAFA are classical portrait busts or death masks, giving us a fantastic opportunity to study portraiture from an exquisite model that will never shift or need model breaks.
This class will use a long format drawing project to explore many different aspects of drawing itself. While students are mapping out the image, they will be learning about various measuring techniques and a systematic approach to portraiture. While they are blocking in the cast, the class will be discussing how to organize values and create a light effect. As we continue to refine the cast drawing further, we will have the opportunity to talk about drawing passages, edges, atmosphere, planes and how to create a focal point.
At each stage of the project students will benefit from live demos, lectures, handouts and one-on-one individualized critiques. They will also be able to observe the instructor as he creates a cast drawing alongside the class.
Topics that will be discussed during this class include:
-Various methods for taking accurate measurements from life to create a proportional representation of the world around you.
-The technique of sight size, an optical measuring technique dating back to the 1600s and used by famous artists throughout history
-Value organization, light effect, and value compression.
-Light shapes and shadow shapes
-Edge hierarchy
-Useful anatomical landmarks for portraiture and constructing a head.
-A systematic and efficient approach to the different stages of a drawing. Working through the stages, from the mapping out stage to the finishing touches.
Join us as we create classical cast drawings using traditional techniques to explore the various elements of drawing together. This information rich class will help strengthen your drawing foundation while also leaving you with a high-quality portfolio ready piece to add to your collection.
As this workshops format allows for a large degree of individualized instruction, students of all skill levels are welcome.
This course is $350
We believe that art classes are more fun when shared with a friend, bring a friend who has not taken one of our courses before and you will both receive a %10 discount off of the listed workshop price.
To Sign up for this workshop or to receive more information, please contact us via e-mail or phone, or send a message in the form below.