Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Self Portrait, Oil on Canvas, 1663
Self Portrait Painting
April 22nd - June 24th
Wednesdays 6pm - 8pm
Course Description
The artist himself is always the most available model. We will be going over things to take into consideration when setting up a self-portrait. These include:
- How to take measurements from a moving target.
- How to set up the mirror, lighting, and canvas
- Portrait composition
This course is primarily a portrait painting course. Students will learn how to:
- Construct a portrait with accurate proportions and likeness.
- Organize their values to create an accurate light effect and believable representation of form.
- Organize their pallet and mix accurate flesh tones.
- Create a focal point and sense of atmosphere using a hierarchy of edge quality.
- Traverse the numerous stages of a painting, from drawing, to block in, to completion.
Materials list.
- Brushes
- Pallet knife
- Turpentine
- Refined linseed oil
- Medium cups (small cups for holding painting medium)
- Brush cleaner jar.
- Pallet, preferably glass or wood
- Pre-stretched and primed canvas no larger than 18”x20”
- Paint
- Lead whit (flake white, cremnetz white)
- Naples yellow light
- Yellow Ocher
- Vermillion
- Alizarin crimson
- Ivory black
- Cobalt blue
- Raw umber
- An active desire to learn
This course is $261.80
We believe that art classes are more fun when shared with a friend, bring a friend who has not taken one of our courses before and you will both receive a %20 discount off of the listed workshop price.
To Sign up for this workshop or to receive more information, please contact us via e-mail or phone, or send a message in the form below.
Limited availability.