Introduction to figure drawing
Figure drawing is one of the most challenging, and also one of the most fun subjects regularly included within an artist’s training. During this class students will delve into the fundamentals of figure drawing, using traditional techniques and a classical realism approach
One of the reasons figure drawing is challenging is that even if one is not an artist, people know what humans look like. If a drawing is even a bit off, the vast majority of the public will pick up on it. This is not the case when we are drawing most anything else. You can draw a dog imperfectly and it will still pass as a dog. You draw a person with slightly wrong proportions, and suddenly it is an alien. This has been the challenge artists have faced throughout history. Its difficulty, and the skill needed to create an accurate figure drawing, is why it has been a cornerstone of art education for centuries and the subject matter by which an artist’s skill is often judged.
This 10 class workshop is designed to introduce students of all skill levels to some fundamental tools and methods of approach which can simplify figure drawing. These tools will help students to confidently and accurately map out and block in a figure from life.
Working from life can be a daunting first step for most artists as they try to apply new drawing techniques. In this workshop we ease students into working from life by first introducing core concepts, methodology, and different techniques while working from photo reference and master works. Concepts will be introduced while creating studies from two dimensional images. Then, once students have gotten a handle on the subject matter, we will apply those concepts to working from live models. This way students will not be overwhelmed by the difficulties working from a live model presents while they are also being introduced to a new drawing concepts.
Some of the things that will be included in the workshop:
-Students will learn a variety of different measuring techniques to help them sharpen their artistic eye. One of these will be the classical technique of sight size, an optical measuring system dating back to the 1600s, used by famous artists throughout history and taught at ateliers around the world.
-This workshop will teach students the visual impression approach to figure drawing.
-We will cover how to create a well-proportioned figure with a believable sense of balance.
-The class will go over useful anatomical landmarks and a step by step method of approach to construct a figure.
-We will be discussing head construction and portraiture
-Students will learn about values and how to create a light effect, sense of form and space in our drawing.
-By the end of the workshop, students will have a number of small graphite line drawings and charcoal full value drawings to add to their portfolios.
All skill levels are welcome to join this class. The structure of the course allows for a large amount of one-on-one instruction, insuring that students of every level are given the guidance they need to push their artwork to the next level.
Don’t miss this opportunity to work from live models in this studio environment and create works ready for your portfolio.
10, 3-hour classes
March 15th to April 13th
Saturdays and Sundays 4PM-7PM
This Workshop is $440
Art classes are more fun when shared with a friend. Bring a friend who has not taken one of our courses before and you will both receive a %10 discount off of the listed workshop price.
“I had always struggled with drawing people until taking this class. Now I feel much more confident when starting a figure drawing. The step by step process you showed me made a tremendous difference in my work. ”
“Great workshop! I will be recommending this workshop to other artist I know who want to get better at drawing people. Thank you!”